Grade 9 Academy
An education in excellence
Dreamers, believers, hard-working achievers…welcome home!
To the nerds, the geeks, the ‘different’ ones…
To the confused, frustrated and agitated…
To all the students who give it their all, who aren’t afraid to fall, the students aiming for more and the ones that want to SOAR…
Over 2,000 happy customers
Over 5 million social media views
Over 500 positive reviews
This is the Grade 9 Academy!
This is an online school here to give you an education in excellence.
Through our online products and services, our goal is to empower you with the tools, knowledge and strategies you need to get yourself a grade 9 in English GCSE!
We are here to encourage you to believe in yourself, to dare to dream and to work to win.
Together, we will take you from confused to courageous…
So…are you ready?
How can we help…
The Grade 9 Membership Club
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Success stories from around the world…

Ella, UK
“I absolutely loved learning with Maya! With her help I have gone from a grade 3 in English to achieving a grade 7 in my most recent mock exams which is amazing. Now I am aiming for a grade 9! Maya is always positive when giving feedback and explaining ways to improve my work. She explains things really clearly and has transformed my progress. I would really recommend her.“

Saskia, Belgium
“Before, I honestly wasn’t a big fan of English, but you allowed me so much freedom and you were so kind and encouraging and patient with me – I’m going to really miss your help! I usually hate studying for exams as it’s so stressful and daunting but you made it all surprisingly fun! I never thought I would be proud of any essays I would write but I am honestly really proud of my work and I wouldn’t be without all your help! Thank you so, so much!”

Marla, USA
“Maya is an amazing tutor, she has the most helpful methods and they are so easy to remember. The first lesson I barely knew anything, she expanded me in so many ways. I now feel very comfortable in my English classes, I feel confident to contribute and use my knowledge in my writing and comprehension skills. She prepared me so well for my exams and I would’ve been struggling without her. I highly recommend her, thank you so much!”

Amani, Zanzibar
“At first, I didn’t like learning but little did I know, slowly and surely, I was getting better. Maya’s teaching skills are excellent; she is patient, listens to your mistakes and tells you what you need to do straight away. You could even say I am now exceeding the people that used to outpace me in my class. I would certainly recommend Maya 100%. Thank you for your help Maya!”

Lucie, Hong Kong
“Maya has helped me through many problems including grammar, punctuation, spelling, descriptions and stories. She has taught me many things and she is just wonderful. She taught me so much in such a short time. She is really nice, she is fair and she has helped me build my confidence. I would really recommend her; I really love her!”

Heddy, Egypt
“Before I started working with Maya, I was working at a grade 2. I wasn’t even passing and I didn’t understand anything in class. I felt so lost. However, Maya was able to help me gain confidence and now I’m working at a grade 8! Hopefully I can reach a grade 9 in my GCSE exams! I have never felt this confident in English, thank to Maya! I have gone from not even passing to now reaching top grades!”
Meet Maya…
A passion for excellence and a love of education, Maya founded the Grade 9 Academy in 2018 to help as many people as possible to achieve a grade 9!
Since then, the Grade 9 products and services have been used by students all over the world, empowering them to achieve top grades!
Grade 9 values…

We value and prioritise independence. We am not here to molly-coddle or spoon feed. If you don’t want a grade 9, you won’t get one. That’s that. There is no teacher out there that can make you a success if YOU don’t want it for yourself. The teacher appears when the student is ready. We believe in empowering you to take charge of your future and take responsibility. We encourage and enable you to develop your independent learning skills to prepare you for the real world. We are here to teach you how to get a grade 9. We are not here to teach you why education is important or to convince you to listen to us.

GCSEs are taught in every school in the UK and all over the world in British international schools. Education, schools, opportunities vary from place to place and from country to country but one thing remains the same: the internet. At Grade 9 Academy, we are passionate about making grade 9 education available and accessible to as many students as possible because every child deserves the right to an exceptional education if they desire it. This is why we keep our prices affordable and competitive and all of our products and services are accessible globally, wherever and whenever from any device.

There is something magical and beautiful about excellence. Whether you’re a scientist, a musician or a wood-worker there is something very special about dedication, progress and MASTERY. Throughout history, humans have continuously pursued mastery and excellence, not necessarily from insecurity or stress, but from a genuine desire to see how high they can fly. If you too have a passion for excellence, we challenge you to come on this journey with us, to dedicate yourself to a subject and discover what you could achieve. Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you land among the stars!

Of course we are passionate about excellence and all things grade 9 BUT we like to have fun along the way too and we definitely don’t take ourselves too seriously. Humour, fun, light-heartedness is weaved into everything that we do and we encourage you to approach our products and services with that exact same attitude! Learning, life, success…it doesn’t have to mean burn out and boredom! Believe it or not, it can actually be fun! We want our students to actually ENJOY themselves. And do you know what? Education should add to your life…it shouldn’t consume or take over it!
If you would love to become a grade 9 student, I challenge you to come on this journey with me.
Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you land among the stars!
The proof is in the pudding…
Join the Grade 9 Academy Graduates and become part of something special!

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