Okay…I get it, exams can the most nerve-wracking experience ever! However, it is so so so important to stay calm in order to perform at your best!

Student taking an exam

I know that’s easier said than done but here are 3 tips to help you out along the way!

1. Prepare

Practise makes perfect! The best way to feel clam in an exam is to feel confident. The best way to feel confident is to prepare! Get your head down, get that revision done and smash those exams. Stress and fear can often arise when we feel under prepared and worried. Over-prepare and feel confident! It’s also a fantastic idea to do lots of past papers beforehand! To help you with your revision, check out my essay templates here!

It’s also important to prepare mentally right before the exam. Have a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast. It’s also a great idea to do some meditation exercises, I would highly recommend the app: Headspace! They have tons of free meditations on there!

When you get to the exam, try to avoid talking to lots of people. People who tell you they are over-prepared and confident and people who tell you they are nervous and think they will fail are BOTH negative influences you. Stay in your own headspace and don’t others take you out the game!

2. Plan

The number one success tip for exams: planning. Failing to plan is planning to fail!

The last thing you want to do when you get into the exam is to just start writing! No, no, no! You need to take your time, plan an answer and take a deep breath.

This will allow you to really think about the question and make sure you are producing your best work. Check out my post on how to plan your essays here!

When students jump straight in, this is often when they mis-read the question and get it completely wrong. Plan…believe me, it will be worth it!

3. Turn Nerves into Excitement

Finally, last but not least, turn those nerves into excitement! Fear and excitement both release adrenaline and can make you feel the same way. Sometimes you might think you’re nervous but you’re actually excited. You’ve done the preparation and you’re ready to absolutely smash it. Walk in there with you head held high knowing you couldn’t have done anymore to prepare and now it’s game time…time for your victory lap!

And…there we have it! Do you struggle with nerves? Comment below if you do and let me know your experiences? What do you do to cope? What are your top tips? For more help with your revision, check out my free eBook: My Secret Sauce for Essay Writing Success!