What are persuasive devices? Why do I need them?

Oh, let me tell you my friend…you NEED these!

Persuasive devices are one of the easiest ways to improve your grades!

Examiners will check and scan your work for these. So make sure there’s something there for them to find!

The mark scheme is a little like a tick box. There’s a list of things they want to see that you can do. Learn what they are and make sure you do them!

Also, don’t forget that one of the best ways to improve your writing is by reading! Chec k out my post on why can change your life here!

So…let’s get started!

1. Rhetorical Questions

Image of question mark - rhetorical questions are a great persuasive device

Ah…the holy grail of persuasive devices!

Ever heard your teacher say:

‘Who do you think you are?”


‘What do you think you’re doing?”

Yes? Well…there you go, you’ve heard rhetorical questions before and you can use a persuasive device!.

A rhetorical question is essentially a question that doesn’t need an answer. It is designed to make the reader think. Therefore, are SO incredibly persuasive!

This is because, when we ask a rhetorical question, we’re already insinuating we know what the answer is!

Here are some examples you could use:

“How can we let this happen?”

“Is this the future we want to live in?”

“Are you going to just stand back and let this happen?”

2. Alliteration

Image of bananas being repeated - the repetition of letter sounds (alliteration) is a great persuasive technique

Secondly, we come to alliteration.

You may have used this when writing your stories and descriptions. But did you know it’s also a fantastic persuasive device?

WHY? Because it catches our attention and OUR BRAINS LIKE IT!

We don’t read things we don’t like!

Alliteration is also BRILLIANT for using in your headings because it catches the reader’s attention straight away!

Here are some examples:

Social Media Shamelessly is Scorning the world!

Video Games are Violating our Minds through Violence!

3. Triplets

Three cookies - to represent the fact that using three words or phrases in a row is a great technique

Once, twice, three times a cookie!

And..finally! Last but not least, we come to triplets! Another incredible persuasive device!

Okay, so why only say something once when you can essentially say it three times?

Triplets are when we repeat the same point in a different way, you guessed it, three times!

This can often be three words or phrases combined into a list form.

They are so persuasive because it is emphasising the point again and again.

Also, some psychologists, such as Freud, think that the human brain has a connection to threes and finds them interesting. Hence, the Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the three wise men…you get the picture!

Here are some wonderful examples you can use:

We must save our planet, act now and do something!

We must wake up the reality, realise what’s going on and change our behaviours!

Still need some more? Check out my free eBook on devices here!

And there you have it! Three simple persuasive devices you can add into your work and upscale your marks right now! If you need help getting started, make sure to check out my post on how to structure your persuasive writing. Have fun experimenting and as always, comment below to let me know how you get on!