Are you a reader? I LOVE Reading!

I absolutely LOVE reading and it’s something I do everyday. But…it wasn’t always like that. At school I often found myself so busy, stressed and overwhelmed that reading was something that dropped off. Now as an adult, I am completely and utterly in love with reading once again.

I can’t shout enough about it!

Here are 5 reasons why I am addicted to reading!

1. Good Readers are Good Writers

Firstly, reading is the single biggest way to improve your writing. When we read, we learn through passive learning. Ee are unconsciously picking up on phrasing, sentence types, vocabulary and expressions. SO MANY TIMES I use a word when writing and I have NO IDEA where I learnt it from. I just read it in a book somewhere and unconsciously learnt it!

Communication and expression is so important and will help you with whatever you do in life!

Being able to write and speak effectively is how you share your inner wisdom and knowledge with the rest of world! If you can throw some language devices in there too, you’re on to a winner! Check out my free eBook on language devices here!

If you need more help with your writing, check out my free guide to descriptive writing!

2. Reading Opens up your Mind

Secondly, ost of us live in a bubble – our comfort zone, the echo chamber, whatever you want to call it. It’s very easy to stay there!

Picture of reading opening up your mind

Reading opens up your mind to new ways of thinking, living, feeling. We can travel the world and visit cultures and communities all over the planet through reading. This teaches us a vital lesson in life – THERE IS NO RIGHT ANSWER!

One of my fav guys, Socrates, said:

“The only true knowledge is the knowledge that you know nothing.”

…and I couldn’t agree more. The more you read and explore, the more you realise that there is no right path. Everyone throughout history and everyone in the world today is doing things slightly differently. They are living slightly different lives and doing slightly different things and no one is right and no one is wrong.

How exciting is it that we can learn about all of these different things to expand our own lives and develop our understanding of the world through reading?

3. Reading and Writing changes the World!

Writers don’t just write stories to entertain us (ok, maybe sometimes they do), they do so to change the world!

Picture of world in your hand, reading helping to change the world

Percy Bysshe Shelley once said:

“Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”

…and I don’t think he was far off. Throughout history writers have used books as a weapon to change the world and that is still happening today!

So finally, what kind of world do you want to live in? What problems do you care about? What would you like to know more about? I can guarantee there’s probably a load of books about it! Become an active citizen by learning about the problems we face and become the generation who are going to solve them!

So…are you a reader? Leaders are readers! What’s your favourite book of all time? Comment below!